Filterra Roof is Stormwater360's latest winning innovation
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Filterra Roof is Stormwater360's latest winning innovation

Product News
23 Jun 2022
Filterra Roof is Stormwater360's latest winning innovation

The Stormwater360 team were thrilled to be awarded the 2022 WSP Innovation Award at the Water NZ Stormwater Conference for our latest stormwater treatment innovation, the Filterra® Roof.

Filterra® Roof is an innovative solution to New Zealand’s leading stormwater contaminant of concern, zinc. Research into zinc pollution in New Zealand has shown that zinc concentrations in urban stormwater can be over 100 times the concentration advised for the protection of aquatic environments, with the largest source of zinc being from existing galvanised roofs. 

Stormwater360 Filterra® is a high-flow biofiltration system developed and made in New Zealand. Filterra® uses natural physical and chemical processes to remove pollutants from stormwater and assimilate them into the biomass of the plants grown in the system. 

Filterra® Roof applies this technology in a small modular system ideal for retrofitting onto an existing galvanised roof. 

Testing performed at the University of Canterbury demonstrated 99.6% removal of dissolved zinc from three existing galvanised roofs, eliminating zinc from the stormwater discharges with a medium effluent quality of only 3 ug/l. 

Easily scalable, Filterra® Roof is available now for retrofit onto any existing roofs across New Zealand.

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